We're sittin' here folding clothes, and Scooter hands me a new pair of socks that belong to Big Daddy. Man, they're soft.
I was reminded of a comment BD made to me a few weeks ago when he was putting on a new pair of socks.
"Man, I just love how new socks feel, all soft and newish. If we ever win the lottery, I'm just gonna buy a new package of socks every week, wear 'em once and then throw 'em away."
So I started thinking about it - if we won the lottery, what completely indulgent thing would I do? I'm not talking about the big stuff like tithe, new houses, giving to family, trips and cars. Cause I'm gonna do that, y'all. Let me just give you a run-down, 'kay?
Tithe to my church. Boy oh boy, won't that be great?
New houses for us and our parents. Not too extravagant, but whatever we want.
Helping out some family members who might need a hand up.
Scholarships for the academy associated with our church.
Trips, trips and more trips. At least a week in Las Vegas, and two weeks in Alaska.
New cars for us and our parents. Again, nothing ridiculous.
Private concert by George Strait.
See? I'm completely practical.
But let's get back to the point. I'm sure I had a point. Silly indulgences for me? What about a pair of glasses to match every outfit? Or comfy flip flips in every color under the sun. OOH, or a professional blow-out every other day.
What about you? If money were no object, what would be your silly but wonderful indulgence(s)?