Checking in...
Hey, all. I've been scarce again the past few days; family comes first, you know?
I have been so weighed down with family matters lately that I haven't had much uplifting to say. While I will gripe about crazy drivers and even my crazy kids sometimes, when it comes to serious matters, I don't feel comfortable sometimes laying it all there.
But today, my internet friends, I'd like to ask for your prayers. My Tinkerbell needs your prayers.
Tinker has an awful teacher who picks on her unmercifully. And I am not one of those crazy, overprotective mothers. THIS teacher is mean. THIS teacher yells at the class on a regular basis. THIS teacher criticizes Tink to the point that my formerly confident, even selfish 6-year-old now feels worthless and ugly. And THIS teacher has created an environment in her classroom that makes my Tink feel like she's back at The Shelter. And that is the most horrible thing in my Tink's short memory.
The Shelter. The Emergency Children's Shelter that my daughters were in three times in one year. The Shelter where they lived for two months, even though the time limit is 30 days, before we were chosen to be their parents. The time limit is 30 days because living in The Shelter is traumatic. There were caring staff members there who took very good care of my girls. But there were no parents. There was no stability. Just fear.
My two big girls still lay in bed at night wondering where they'll go next, even though they've been in our home 3 years, and ADOPTED for over 2 years. They still wonder. And worry.
Tink has dreams almost every night about shelters and parents dying and grandparents dying and if that happens, then who will take care of me? Please pray for her.Yes, I've spoken with the school administration, and are waiting for some results, but in the meantime, please just pray.
Thanks, y'all. I appreciate you.