Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update

Hey y'all, here I am closing out the weekend.

It was a good one.

I can report that we drove 200 miles to Lake Somerville for a family reunion, and approximately 150 of those miles were in pouring rain. And I only spent about 5 minutes on anxiety. The rest was spent playing with my Blackberry, eating road trip snacks and stopping for tinkle breaks.

It was a nice drive.

I can report that I enjoyed visiting with my family immensely. I really, really love my aunts, uncles and cousins, for real. And it pains me that we only see each other once or twice a year. We meet at a park every summer and eat barbecue and say, "Y'all come see us!" but no one ever does. Maybe I'll make 2009/10 the year that the Dirty Laundry family actually goes and sees someone.

I'll keep you posted.

I can report that our return trip was also 200 miles. And that approximately 100 miles was in the pouring rain. I had no anxiety, Praise God! But we did increase the number of potty breaks. I have no idea why.

We stopped in West, Texas to buy kolaches, because that is what one does when driving through West, Texas. LOVE those kolaches!

Had sausage kolaches for dinner. Had fruit kolaches for breakfast this morning. Yum.

I'm done saying kolache. Promise.

I can report that this has been one of the best weekends in recent history, and the main reason? Peace of mind. Sweet, sweet peace of mind.

So many things that have been troubling me and weighing me down have been wiped out and it's magnificently fabulous. Are things perfect around here? HECK no. But they're oh, so much better and that's just what we need.

I hope yours was just as good.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm convinced that seeing or hearing water just reminds us we need to visit the bathroom, even if we wouldn't have thought about it otherwise. Just one reason I'm not so keen on the idea of camping by a stream. :)

Glad you had a nice weekend!