Monday, August 06, 2007

Super Sunday

Y'all, we had the best day yesterday at our church's "Life Games."

Our Life Group placed in Pie Eating, Horseshoes, Kickball, Tug of War, Ice Cream Making, Ping Pong, and maybe a few "Spirit Points."

We didn't do so well in Dodgeball, Water Volleyball, or Tricycle Race.

A wonderful member of our Life Group designed and hand-printed our shirts. All our kids (mostly girls) were in matching shirts and pom-poms to cheer for the adults.

I don't think I've sweat so much in my entire life, and had a blast nonetheless. The sweating part was gross, but the rest - oh, so much fun!

I had an entry in the Ice Cream Making contest - Cherry Dr. Pepper Ice Cream (recommended by Grace at lola makes three). I thought it was the rockingest ice cream ever, and Big Daddy agreed. It had maraschino cherries in it, and did I mention it rocked? Guys, there were only 12 entries in the ice cream contest, and my Cherry Dr. Pepper Ice Cream did not place. I'm almost certain I had a jealous spirit, and was a poor sport. But I repented. I'll post the recipe later.

The good news is, my friend J placed third with her also rocking Cherry Pineapple ice cream, so we did score points in that event.

Our Life Group came in 4th out of over 15 groups, and we're one of the smallest groups. In some events, we were competing with half as many players as our opponents.

We drove home at 9:30, salty from sweat and exhausted, and oh, so happy.

We can't wait to do it again - but maybe not in August next time.


Kristen said...

Sounds like you had a blast!

I would have of course loved to taste your ice cream. I would have voted for it for sure.

Unknown said...

Sounds like an awesome day! :)